Add Additional Attributes Onto The Editor

Sometimes you may want to add additional attributes directly onto the contenteditable of RhinoEditor.

The easiest way to do this is by slotting in an editor with the attributes you would like. Here’s an example of how we could add aria-* attributes onto the editor in cases where perhaps the form failed validation.

  <!-- This will get replaced by a new <div>, but will have the attributes copied. -->
  <div slot="editor" aria-invalid="<%= object.errors.any? %>" aria-describedby="description-errors">

<div id="description-errors">
  <% if object.errors.any? %>
    <%= object.errors.to_s %>
  <% end %>

This will produce something like the following:

  <!-- This will get replaced by a new <div>, but will have the attributes copied. -->
  <div slot="editor" aria-invalid="true" aria-describedby="description-errors">

<div id="description-errors">
  Wow dude. You really messed up. What did you even submit?